Годы жизни: 1815 - 1881
Род деятельности: Академик архитектуры.
Участок: 27
Занфтлебен Александр Готлиб Фридрих учился в императорской Академии Художеств в Петербурге (соученик Гау по Академии), служил в Гофинтендантской конторе.
Старший сын Фридриха Захарии Готтлиба Занфтлебена , известнейшего петербургского мужского портного мастера первой трети XIX в.
Архивная фотография - семейное место (см. надгробия позади бюста В.И.Гау). Это, увы, их единственное сохранившееся изображение.
Родители: отец - Ф.З.Г.Занфтлебен ( Шверин, 1776 – 1837, СПб); мать - Занфтлебен Мария Елизавета (ур. Винтер, 1792–1849), ее расколотое надгробие в 2014 г. еще можно было увидеть на кладбище (см.фото Е.В.Филиппова).
сестра Юлия Доротея Генриэтта Флоран (урожд. Занфтлебен (1816 - 11.7.1853), замужем за петербургским купцом 2-й гильдии, портным мастером Жаном Флораном (ск. 1866);
сестра Луиза Матильда Теодора Гау (урожденная Занфтлебен, 1826 – 1898), замужем за художником-портретистом Владимиром Ивановичем Гау (1816 – 1895).
Младенец Леон-Фридрих-Жан Флоран (28.03.1835-10.04.1837) .
Занфтлебен М-Е. фото Е.В.Филиппова

Bolshaya_Morskaya,16 - "Florand"


Мария Елизавета Занфтлебен ( урожд. Винтер, 1792 – 1849).jpg

Луиза Гау, жена художника. 1847. Художественный музей, Таллинн.jpg

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Филиппов Евгений Владимирович
17 мая 2020, 21:02Ответить
Здесь можно было бы поместить архивную фотографию надгробия В. И. Гау. По сути Гау был похоронен на семейном участке Занфтлебенов. За пямятником В. И. Гау видны два надгробия родителей его жены. Похоже дальнее, принадлежит Марии Елизавете. Сохранилась разбитая плита ее надгробия. Еще дальше (с урной на верху), тоже кому-то из Занфтлебенов. Возможно архитектору. Дальние надгробия с белыми крестами принадлежат сыновьям В. И. Гау — Гаральду (левый) и Гастону (правый). Оба эти надгробия сохранились, только без крестов. Художественное надгробие рядом с надгробием В. И. Гау (см. современную фотографию) — надгробие малолетних его дочерей. Могу предположить, что автором его был арх. А. Ф. Занфтлебен — родной их дядя. Тем более, что в эти годы он даже жил в доме Гау. Т. е. они общались.
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Жильцова Татьяна
18 мая 2020, 17:44Ответить
Евгений Владимирович, спасибо за идею!
Давайте так и сделаем.
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Eric Bruneau
22 февраля 2022, 11:32Ответить
Translation in English
My research allowed me to find your site where Julia Dorothea Henrietta Zanftleben, married to Jean Florent, merchant. My research concerns Jean Florent and his family (Florand in my archives, profession of tailor), born in Sauxillanges in Auvergne at the end of the 18th century. Married first to Marie Benne or Beyne, then to Julie Zanftleben and then to Marguerite Pralon. He died in Clermont-Ferrand in 1866.
Do you have any other information about these people?
Besides, is there a relationship between Zanftleben cited by Dostoyevsky and a tailor and the family buried in the cemetery of Smolensk?
Thank you!
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Eric Bruneau
22 февраля 2022, 11:48Ответить
I apologize for the clumsiness in sending my previous messages.
Here is the translation in English.
My research allowed me to find your website where Julia Dorothea Henrietta Zanftleben, married to Jean Florent, merchant, (Florand in my archives, profession of tailor), born in Sauxillanges in Auvergne at the end of the 18th century. Married first to Mari Benne or Beyne, then to Jule Zantleben and then to Marguerite Pralon. He died in Clermont-Ferrand in 1866.
Do you have any other information about these people?
Moreover, is ther a relationship between Zanftleben cited by Dostoievsky (and also a tailor) in his daily and the family buried in the cemetery of Smolensk?
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Tatiana Jiltsova, St.Petersburg
24 февраля 2022, 00:06Ответить
Dear Eric,
I'll try to answer your questions.
1) This site is dedicated to the «Smolensk Lutheran» cemetery in the city of St. Petersburg (and not in the city of Smolensk). The «Smolensky» cemetery is named after the small neighboring river Smolenka.
As for the tailor Jean Florent, there is some information about him in the address and reference books of the merchants of St. Petersburg. But all these books are in Russian. If necessary, I can send excerpts in Russian to your e-mail. According to this information, Jean Florent joined the merchant class in St. Petersburg in 1859. And he was married to Julia (Julia) Zanftleben, and had a son. His name can be found in merchant books for 1870 and 1875. His name disappears in 1876, but instead appears the name of Hortensia Ivanovna Florent, 47 years old, she has been a merchant since 1876 and sells ready-made dresses at the same address as Jean Florent.
2) «According to the house books of 1847–1848, about 160 residents lived in 20 apartments.… The tailor master Jean Florent came to Russia from France, his son Jules-Etienne was born in St. Petersburg. In the 1870s Floran's ready-to-wear shop was located in a house on the corner of Gorokhovaya and Bolshaya Meshchanskaya streets (Note: the current address is Kazanskaya st., 21). And here, at 6 Morskaya St., Jean Florent lived in apartment No. 1. The Frenchman Jean Louis Chardin, a capitalist, who arrived in 1842, stayed in his apartment, but the purpose of his visit is unknown. In December 1847, music professor Pavel Chevalier settled in the same apartment with his wife Victoria and son Pavel. The source of information:
3) The merchant's guide for 1861 indicates that Jean Florent, aged 28, a French citizen, has been a merchant since 1859 and runs a tailor's workshop in the Eliseev's house on Nevsky Prospekt (Note: this is a huge house on the corner of Nevsky Prospekt and Malaya Morskaya street, 6 ). Therefore, the year of birth of Jean Florent is approximately 1833. He was a merchant of the 3rd guild.
As for the Moscow Zanftleben family, I do not know whether they were relatives of the St. Petersburg Zanftleben. The similarity of time, surname and profession makes us think that yes, they were related, but this has not been confirmed by documents up to the present time. Vasily (probably Wilhelm) Karlovich Zanftleben (1811(or1814) --11.6.1876), whom Dostoevsky mentions in the „Diary“ for 1877, appears in the Moscow address book as a tailor of a man's dress already in 1842. He was a Moscow merchant of the 2nd guild — books for 1862, 1865, 1869 and 1870 indicate that he sells „fashionable goods“ at various addresses in Moscow. He had 4 sons — Vasily, Nikolai, Ernst and Robert. In 1875, the merchant's book indicates that he became a commission agent. On June 11, 1876, he died.
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Eric Bruneau
26 февраля 2022, 23:38Ответить
Dear Tatiana,
Thank you very much for your answer which gives many new and interesting informations.
I apologize for a mistake I did about Jean Florand’s spouse (Florent or Florant) who is not Marie Benne (his mother) but Martine Mosnier. I figured that Jean could have children with Julie Zanftleben, which is what you are telling me. Further, Martine Mosnier died in 1833, and Jean II could have been her last children. Their two previous children Etienne (1820-1880) who did’nt settled in Saint-Petersburg and her daughter Anne (born 1821) were both born in Clermont-Ferrand. Hortense could also be her daughter. I would be interested to have Jean Florand and Julie Zanftleben son’s fisrtname. I would very happy to receive the excerpts that you quote.
Jules Florand had a niece, Marguerite Florand (1860-1933) married to Georges Bruneau (1852-1907), born in Saint-Pertersbourg. His father was Louis Philippe Bruneau (1823-1902), hairdresser and merchant of goods from Paris. We do not know yet when Philippe exactly settled to Russia, but we know that the Florand and Bruneau families both lived 16 Boskaïa Morskaya. It would be obviously extremely interesting for me if you had any clue about that.
I can send you, if it’s useful, some documents about Jean and Jules on your email address.
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Tatiana Jiltsova, St.Petersburg
01 марта 2022, 21:18Ответить
Dear Eric,
I'm posting here a few excerpts for you. They do not directly relate to the topic of the Smolensk cemetery (Jean Florent himself is not buried here), so when you copy what you need, write to me here and I will remove them. It is difficult to parse the 100-year-old abbreviations, so I made a translation for you. The name of Jean Florent's son is Jules-Etienne.
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Eric Bruneau
04 марта 2022, 22:02Ответить
Dear Tatiana,
Thank you so much for the excerpts and the translation.
I downlanded all of them.
I found in my family tree Marie Hortense Florand (Paris 1827-Paris1892) present in Saint-Petersbourg in 1849, Jean Florent's daughter married to a first cousin Jean Florand (born 1831), present in Saint-Petersburg in1859. It could the same persons you wrote about previously, could'nt it? Jean Florent, Hotesnes's father died in Clermont-Ferrand.
Dou you have the first name of Jean Florent and Julie Zanftleben?
If you need informations abait the Florent that I could have and may be useful for your research, do not hesitate to ask me.
Thank you again,
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Tatiana Jiltsova, St.Petersburg
06 марта 2022, 23:42Ответить
Dear Eric,
yes, I think that Hortense Florent was the only woman in Petersburg with such a rare name.
I don't know any other names of Jean Florent, husband of Julie-Dorotea-Henrietta Zanftleben (1816-1883). The name of their son, which I wrote before, is Jean-Étienne.
But few days ago I found mention of another child with the surname Florent, who died at the age of 2 years and 13 days. This baby was buried at the Smolensk Lutheran cemetery — you can see a photo of the burial on the avatar of this page: in the foreground is the bust of the artist Voldemar Hau, and behind the bust are white crosses, the burial of the Zanftleben family. The plots of the Gau and Zahnftleben families were next to each other. This photo is from the archive, the only one that has preserved both the bust of Hau and the crosses on the graves of members of the Zanftleben family. The reference book «Petersburg Necropolis» reports that Leon-Friedrich-Jean Florent (28.3.1835 — 10.4.1837) was buried next to the artist Voldemar Hau at the Smolensk Lutheran cemetery.
I also found a mention of this child in the database of Professor Eric Amburger: www.amburger.ios-regensburg.de/index.php?id=86854
Unfortunately, there are no other people with the last name Floran/Florand in this database.
And I also found a photograph of the Florand store at number 16 on Bolshaya Morskaya Street. The photo was taken around 1900.
I wish you every success in your search!
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Eric Bruneau
08 марта 2022, 23:10Ответить
Dear Tatiana,
Thank you again for all these informations that I really enjoy! They allow me to reconstruct at least partly the history of the family that I hope to be able to write one day.
If you want, I can send you a 1890 press article from «La France Industrielle» about Jules Florand with a portrait of him about the Russian section or the 1889 universal exhibition. If you would like it, let me know how to send it to you.
Best regards.
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Tatiana Jiltsova, St.Petersburg
09 марта 2022, 16:26Ответить
Dear Eric,
I will be very glad to receive the article you mentioned. My email address is: ta-j@yandex.ru
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Eric Bruneau
13 марта 2022, 11:05Ответить
Dear Tatiana,
I sent you the document a few days ago. I hope you had receive it.
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Tatiana Jiltsova, St.Petersburg
13 марта 2022, 13:52Ответить
Dear Eric,
I should have answered earlier! Thank you so much, I got a copy of the 1890 newspaper. Since I do not know French, I will ask one of my friends to help with the translation of the main provisions. Is Jules Florent, referred to in the article, the husband of Julia Zanftleben? Or is it his namesake ancestor?
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Eric Bruneau
15 марта 2022, 11:53Ответить
Dear Tatiana,
I'm glad you receveided it. Jules Florent (Florand) is Jean Florent's son. Julie Zanftleben is his stepmother, as his mother is Martine Mosnier, died in St-Petersburg in 1833. The Florand spelling varies a lot, it can be splelled Floran, Florant, Florent. Jules is the one who had his store Bolchaïa Morskaya street, with the Bruneau hair salon. The spellling is fixed Florand in the second half of the 19th century, at least in France -that's why I haven't found your website ealier. I wonder what happened, as Jean Florent had a third wife, Marguerite Pralon, while Julie died only in 1883.
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26 ноября 2024, 00:45Ответить
I now live in a house designed by Zantftleben in 1874. I have been trying to find his portrait for a long time, but all in vain. Are there no “visualizations” of his image?
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Татьяна Жильцова
26 ноября 2024, 22:19Ответить
Unfortunately, no, Ирина. If a portrait appears, I will post it here.